Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Ants – Getting to the Source of Life’s Problems

Our neighborhood recently experienced an infestation of ants. I know from experience and was reminded again that a two-story home provides some unique paths for ants to travel within your walls. As soon as you think you have one pathway blocked they pop out another and then another. It took more than two weeks to get the infestation under control this time around and in the process of plugging holes, setting bait and vacuuming up dead ants, I was reminded of some important problem solving skills that this life lesson provides.

Spray and squirt products eliminate the ants that are visible but do not address the source of what could be a larger problem. If this is a one time outbreak and there is no potential for things getting out of hand, what you have is a simple solution to a simple problem – spray the ants that you see. Most of life’s trials are solved in this manner and do not return or recur over and over in some type of continuous pattern. Ignoring ants (or problems) in the home of course is a sure fire recipe for more and larger conflicts to be dealt with later. Remedy life’s daily challenges by understanding that simple problems are best solved through simple solutions. And don’t procrastinate or you may miss the opportunity for a simple solution and set yourself up for an infestation of troubles.

When ants keep coming and coming and coming, even after spraying and plugging holes where they seem to be entering from, it is time to resolve the problem by taking action which will address the source. I have had tremendous success using the Hot Shot brand ant baits which apparently encourage ants to take the bait back to their nest where the colony and queen ant are eventually destroyed thus eliminating the source of the infestation. I say "apparently" because I have never actually seen the bait delivered to the nest and offered to the queen, but I have seen the obvious results that something of effect was occurring. On around the second or third day after putting out the bait there is a noticeable decrease in the number of ants and eventually they dwindle to nothing. In the same manner, when you have addressed the source of one of life’s larger problems, you will also see the effects of that problem dwindle and the eventual, ultimate relief of a solution starting to bring your life back in order.

You notice that I said I normally begin to see positive results the second or third day when using the Hot Shot brand ant bait. This is because on the first day of setting out the bait it is very likely that the ant problem is going to look worse rather than better. You see, the bait is such a strong attraction that additional "troops" are sent out to snatch it and return it to their colony. This can be an unnerving sight but patience is the key and in most cases this shocking sight of a worsening problem is actually the precursor to success and eventual relief. This correlates well with facing up to life’s larger challenges. Initially, the confrontation or stress required to implement a difficult but necessary solution may seem like it has made the situation worse, not better. But patience and confidence in your actions will eventually provide you your own relief and an ultimate solution will appear visibly closer each and every day.

This time around, instead of just becoming frustrated with an infestation of ants, I was reminded of some more important lessons which are gleaned from facing and solving one’s problems in all aspects of life. I was overjoyed to finally gain control of the ant problem in our home and thankful for the opportunity to challenge myself in seeking the source and turning it into the ultimate solution.
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